Here is an detailed explanation of clan ranks and the privileges related to the ranks.
- President
- Vice- President
- Mayor
- Elder
- Member
- A President is the clan owner and has all the admin access to the clan.
- Another player can be promoted to 'President' when the current "President" leaves to decide to clan.
- A president can promote, demote, kick , invite a player, accept clan joining requests and edit clan settings.
- There can be only one 'President' within a clan.
Vice President:
- A Vice president can invite any player to a clan and can promote any player(below Vice president) within a clan.
- A Vice president can promote, demote or kick any player below his rank.
- There can be multiple 'Vice president' within a clan.
- There can be multiple Mayor's in a clan.
- A President and Vice president can promote a Mayor to Vice president.
- A Mayor can promote, demote or kick any player below his rank.
- A mayor can accept clan joining requests.
- Elder is the fourth highest rank in the clan.
- There can be multiple 'Elders' in a clan.
- Elder can promote or kick players below his rank.
- Any new clan member is by default of 'Member' rank.
- This is the lowest clan of the rank.
- A member has no clan privileges until he is promoted.